John Ashcroft - US Minister of Fear



Alternet - Eight Weeks in Jail: Life on Ashcroft's Enemies List

BBC - Profile: John Ashcroft

CBSNews - John Ashcroft, Minister of Fear

Common Dreams - Ashcroft, an unfit nominee

DisInfo - John Ashcroft, an empty suite with the deepest pockets

Extreme Ashcroft

Fire Ashcroft

Global Policy - Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision

Newschannel 2000 - About Ashcroft's Religion



Nat. Association of Defense Lawyers - Ashcroft Criminal Record and Views

Newstrove - John Ashcroft Articles

Reason - John Ashcroft's Powergrab

San Francisco Chronicle - Son of a Preacher Man

Salon - John Ashcroft's Big Mistake

Time - John Ashcroft's Dubious Pen Pal

US Department of Justice - John Ashcroft Biography

Village Voice - General Ashcroft's Detention Camps

Village Voice - John Ashcroft v. the Constitution

Washington Post - Ashcroft invokes religion in U.S. War On Terrorism

Whitehouse - John Ashcroft Biography