The Pentagon Crash?
Basic Analysis:
So you want to believe that a guy who was trained on a Cesna could fly a 757 20 feet off the ground and do sophisticated turning and navigate the way he did to hit the Pentagon? Yeah right! Perhaps there is another answer.
Developed Websites that examine this in detail:
New links:
Some Interesting
Amalgam Virgo Exercise + Co.
Video of the Pentagon
Lets examine that Phone call:
of All Lies About 9/11 - Barbara Olson's "Phone Call"
From Flight 77
Okay there were
a lot of people who have sworn up and down that they were there
and saw Flight 77 fly over them and then the explosion at the
Pentagon. I am not discounting this, I believe you. What you
might have seen though was a holographic Projection being
overlayed on an incoming cruise missile. Hold on there! Stay with
me here... Take a look at these links, the technology exists.
Seeing isn't Believing
Blue Beam Project
Now for the downed Lamp Posts, the pictures of the downed posts
was taken long after the civilians were evacuated from the area.
Pictures show that the Pentagon Roof had caved in and that took a
period of time, about 1/2 hour to an hour from what I read. As
far as any debris found around the lamp posts anyone could have
brought the debris forward from any number of sources. We have to
take the person's word on it. Eye witness account states that
they saw the 757 and it just went Poof as it hit the building:
huge jet. Then it was gone. Buildings don't eat planes. That
plane, it just vanished. There should have been parts on the
ground. It should have rained parts on my car. The airplane
didn't crash. Where are the parts? There was a plane. It didn't
go over the building. It went into the building. I want them to
find it whole, wedged between floors or something. I want to make
it make sense. I want to know why there's this gap in my memory,
this gap that makes it seem as though the plane simply became
invisible and banked up at the very last minute"
This furthers my theory that a Holographic projection was being
overlayed the actual flying object. It could have been a smaller
plane such as a drone or even a fighter such as an F16.
The Global Hawk Theory:
Now I ask the question was this Wheel Planted? It is in an odd spot don't you think? The Intense heat and impact from the crash would probably have left the wheel deflated or probably taken the rubber off the wheel itself. The wheel doesn't appear bent or damaged in any way. Again it is something to think about. I bring up the Global Hawk issue because it is a possibility, although other than this wheel we don't have much to go on. The other aspect is the ariel marker, All Seeing Eye. If someone was controlling the Global Hawk Remotely the Path Marker on the ground would ensure he/she would know exactly where to hit the Pentagon. A cruise missile is just programmed to hit a target within 4 to 6 inches from the latest info I hear from "officials" on the Television. Now if you are still skeptical about if where this is all going, take a look at the hole made in the side of the World Trade Center.
Those who say the 757 did hit the Pentagon here are their arguments that I have collected thus far.
Airplane Disintegration:
Eye Witness Accounts:
What if Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon?
Based on
Analysis from from the Power Hour Website, there was still some
huge spindles of wire photographed near the impact sites, which
was used in the so called "Renovations" of the Pentagon
in this particular area. If the extra steel put in place here was
strong enough it may have sheered the wings off of Flight 77. It
is interesting how the plane was able to fly literelly 20 feet
above the ground over such a long distance. Pilots who are only
skilled at flying cesnas to be able fly a 757 so close to the
ground is unbelievable in my opinion and probably lots of others
too. Why were they doing renovations to such an extent on that
side of the Pentagon?
It also lends to the theory that all the planes that were crashed
were flown by Remote control. The fact that a military jet was
shawdowning Flight 77 to the south west opens a lot of other
questions like:
An Apparent Media Witness
- States a Second Plane followed Flight 77 to the Southwest
If it wasn't
flight 77 what knocked down the light poles then? There are
numerous eye witness accounts stating that they saw a plane
similar to a Boeing 757 hit the pentagon and take out lamp poles.
What still remains a mystery then is the damage done to the
Penaton seems rather small in comparison to such a jet hitting it
a flight speed. The fact that eye witness came forward to state
that they saw Flight 77 take out the poles and hit the Pentagon
should be proof enough and is generally accepted by the masses
that this is what happened.
If it wasn't Flight 77 then it leave open that fact that either
people are lying about what they saw and it was staged or in Fact
Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon and took out the Lamp posts.
Unfortunatly I have yet to see pictures showing a timeline that
would show that the posts were taken out prior the public being
evacuated from the area. I also feel that the issue of weither
Flight 77 hit the Pentagon or not is a red herring to the fact
there was massive renovation work done to that particular side of
the Pentagon with steel spindle wire and that the Pentagon had a practice
drill in November 2000 for an airplane crash. It is also interesting
that no one at the Pentagon has come forward with an affidavit
stating that they saw a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon.
Thoughts on the Debate:
The difficulty
with the debate over whether if Flight 77 hit the Pentagon is to
me somewhat of a side issue. The fact is that something did hit
the Pentagon and nothing was done to intercept the plane. With a
report of another plane shadowing Flight 77 to the southwest and
then going vertical and leaving the area, only military Jets can
do this to my knowledge. There is a termendous amount of evidence
pointing at George W. Bush for allowing this to happen. I would
suggest that you take a look at the 9/11 evidence and see why
this is true.
I don't want to detract from the fact that there are real people
missing from Flight 77. We need to be vigilant in uncovering the
truth and making those responsible accountable. Some links are
compiled her to show some background information on what was
transpiring prior to September 11th. I would suggest also you
take a look at:
War on Terrorism Index and this 9/11 Information.
I realize that not everyone is going to agree with my theory, the
crux being the lamp poles being knocked down and reports of all
the eye witnesses. It's my theory, the mass media is ignoring
termendous amounts of facts and misreporting on a great many
things to forward the plans of a New World Order. What is real
and what isn't is certainly up for debate and what parts of this
you believe is up to you. But I want to be sure that you come out
of this with a healthy understanding that the US Government was
planning for and was in part responsible for executing the events
that took place on September 11th.
The other crux from the other side is to explain why so little
damage was done to the Pentagon in relation to the size of the
plane they claimed hit it.
Important links related to the war on terrorism, but not to the Pentagon crash directly:
Interesting links which shed light on Rumsfeld and the Implementation of his military strategy (QDR) in September 2001
I'll leave you with this picture and website to ponder as the debate rageous on:
77 - Pentagon Event - 3d Test
Video that poses some
basic questions about the Pentagon Crash
- You will need Quick Time to view it.
Send in more Info!
Go the the Freedom files mainpage for other research on 911 and the War on Terrorism